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henryforcas    匿名飞客  发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00
PocPoc  钻石会员  2020-4-20 19:08:03  | 显示全部楼层
小球藻 发表于 2020-4-19 12:10
话说四月份的140分也没给是吧 之前承诺的2/3/4 就给了两个月
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-20 20:15:30  | 显示全部楼层
经过再次邮件抗议,还是不让延期。我申请了会籍假期,做个保底,万一不管我们死活。估计大半年内不可能cx长途,ka短途我自己积分换个商务舱好了,无所谓mpc benefits
飞翔的猪猪侠  白金会员   楼主| 2020-4-20 20:46:14  | 显示全部楼层
Janko 发表于 2020-4-19 15:36
我银卡 4月(本月)到期,也是很惨
飞翔的猪猪侠  白金会员   楼主| 2020-4-20 20:47:22  | 显示全部楼层
小球藻 发表于 2020-4-20 20:15
经过再次邮件抗议,还是不让延期。我申请了会籍假期,做个保底,万一不管我们死活。估计大半年内不可能cx长途,ka短途我自己积分换个商务舱好了,无所谓mpc benefits
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-20 21:06:26  | 显示全部楼层
PocPoc 发表于 2020-4-20 19:08
thetraveller  黑钻会员  2020-4-21 00:12:29  | 显示全部楼层
飞翔的猪猪侠 发表于 2020-4-18 15:50
英文不好见谅。感觉就是心里不舒服哈哈。算是我柠檬精吧Dear Marco Polo Club, I am writing to you to express my disappointment and serious complaints towards your MPC extension policy which was released yesterday, towards communication approach and policy respectively. To start with, I would like to wish Cathay Pacific and Cathay Dragon could ride through the "perfect storm" due to pandemic, as it is one of the most severely impacted industries. It's a tough challenge for the majority business, and I do wish Cathay could recover as it is a brand that I recognize. Communication: Apparently, there are two sets of email blasts with different policies sent to MPC members, whose membership expires between May to Dec 2020, AND those between Jan to Apr 2021.Let me walk you through the journey of a member received the email without membership extension. Without any explanation in general, I only know that my mid-tier benefits will be extended, and I thought this is applied to all UNTIL my friend tells me his membership gets extended by another year. Hence it will be easy to feel being "cheated" or treated differently, or as your marketing specialist may call "segmentation discrimination strategy" to maximize your benefits.Then I start checking my emails carefully trying to find out words about "EXTENSION", and search online for the membership policy, this is exactly where the anger is triggered and accumulated. PolicyWhat are the differences between those whose membership expires in late 2020 vs early 2021? I know there will be similar complaints towards this policy, so I will not explain in detailsPersonal FeelingI do enjoy being a member of the Marco Polo Club since my first business class trip to Narita since 2017. From Green, Silver to Gold, and potentially Diamond in the future, MPC membership is such a special item that grows together with my occupation and time in HK. It is indeed a well-designed loyalty program which properly incentivize myself sticking to Cathay flight as long as there is an option available, and I believe loyalty customer will be one of the key assets for Cathay in the long run. I would like to express my strong disappointment again towards this extension policy released, due to the poor-rounded consideration and unprofessional communication. Please do feel free to reach out, and wish the best for Cathay.
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-21 12:22:21  | 显示全部楼层
thetraveller 发表于 2020-4-21 00:12
英语还行 就是比较缺一点商务英语的逻辑 不过这个也不重要 关键是 cx就是咬着不放 或许几个月后就松口提供2021年上半年过期的这部分政策 但是风险就在会员 如果不会籍假期 剩下时间都在变少啊
飞翔的猪猪侠  白金会员   楼主| 2020-4-21 16:53:21  | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for contacting the Marco Polo Club Service Centre.
We appreciate you having taken the time to write to us with your
feedback. We understand that recent situations may have impacted your
travel schedule and potentially reduced the number of club points being
credited. We will continue to monitor the situation and announce any
changes at the appropriate time.
Also for your additional information, Marco Polo Club Silver members or
above can apply for a "Membership Holiday" (Minimum of 1 month and
maximum of 12 months) to postpone their membership renewal to a later
date, if there is a need to take a break from travel for whatever
reasons in future. You may find detailed information about the
Membership Holiday by visiting the following webpage and click "Terms
and Conditions related to Marco Polo Club benefits" (refer to section
飞翔的猪猪侠  白金会员   楼主| 2020-4-21 16:53:39  | 显示全部楼层
danielkwong  终钻会员  2020-4-21 17:14:53  | 显示全部楼层
夏目大人  蓝钻会员  2020-4-21 17:47:20  | 显示全部楼层
danielkwong 发表于 2020-4-21 17:14
楼主提到另外一个人给延期了,这样写,都已经把人逼到墙角了,等于叫对接的那个MPC专员更加坚定地不给延期 ...
至於裡面寫的 " We will continue to monitor the situation and announce any changes at the appropriate time."  這種話也是聽聽就好,因為後面會不會有新政策出來,都是他們說了算,誰也不曉得。
鲜花 (1朵) 鲜花榜
帝王引擎2020-4-22 10:52
送了1朵鲜花:  赞一个!
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-21 21:59:29  | 显示全部楼层
mpc太死板了 会籍假期预先设定的1-12个月期限 不能提前终止... 这完全是甩锅 风险转移给客户。本来会籍假期是针对会员自身的情况 比如要生娃等,那时间好估计。换个角度来说 如果我设定了12个月 不能提前中止,那期间零星有飞行计划 我不一定优先国泰。
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-21 22:01:29  | 显示全部楼层
疫情虽然是爆发 但是飞行需求和航班恢复全球是逐步的过程,在这个期间国泰逼着大家要么请假还不能提前复工,要么就正常保级 实在太不合理。说句带地域歧视的话 香港人的死板淋漓尽致。
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-21 22:03:10  | 显示全部楼层
會籍假期開始後不得作出任何要求、更改、延長及取消。有關會籍假期的詳情,可瀏覽以下網頁,再按 「有關馬可孛羅會禮遇的條款及細則」 (請參照第十九項)。
小球藻  黑钻会员  2020-4-21 22:03:44  | 显示全部楼层
小球藻 发表于 2020-4-21 21:59
mpc太死板了 会籍假期预先设定的1-12个月期限 不能提前终止... 这完全是甩锅 风险转移给客户。本来会籍假期是针对会员自身的情况 比如要生娃等,那时间好估计。换个角度来说 如果我设定了12个月 不能提前中止,那期间零星有飞行计划 我不一定优先国泰。
的确 其实不确定性(风险)就全部给了客户 本质就是甩锅
z747500149  金卡会员  2020-4-22 06:22:06  | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for contacting the Marco Polo Club Service Centre regarding
Silver tier status upgrade.
If, the criterion for upgrade to Silver tier status is yet to be
achieved by end June 2020 due to travel restrictions implemented as a
measures to battle the current crisis, please again contact us in the
last week of June 2020. We would be happy to see what further special
arrangements we can make to best help.
Meanwhile, on behalf of the Marco Polo Club, we wish that you continue
to stay safe and healthy. We look forward to having the pleasure of
extending our hospitality to you on board our flights once this
world-wide crisis is over.
raysRRR  蓝钻会员  2020-4-22 09:58:43  | 显示全部楼层
MattCheung  钻石会员  2020-4-22 10:50:05  | 显示全部楼层
z747500149 发表于 2020-4-22 06:22
绿卡菜鸡收到回复:Thank you for contacting the Marco Polo Club Service Centre regarding Silver tier status upgrade.If, the criterion for upgrade to Silver tier status is yet to be achieved by end June 2020 due to travel restrictions implemented as a measures to battle the current crisis, please again contact us in the last week of June 2020. We would be happy to see what further special arrangements we can make to best help.Meanwhile, on behalf of the Marco Polo Club, we wish that you continue to stay safe and healthy. We look forward to having the pleasure of extending our hospitality to you on board our flights once this world-wide crisis is over.




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